The Vitamin Kid

Avoiding bad medicine and finding non-toxic treatments that actually work

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Location: Ankeny, Iowa, United States

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Studies, schmudies: one third of study results don't hold up

July 13, 2005

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- New research highlights a
frustrating fact about science: What was good for you
yesterday frequently will turn out to be not so great

The sobering conclusion came in a review of major
studies published in three influential medical journals
between 1990 and 2003, including 45 highly publicized
studies that initially claimed a drug or other
treatment worked.

Subsequent research contradicted results of seven
studies -- 16 percent -- and reported weaker results
for seven others, an additional 16 percent.

Even research in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the AMA, and Lancet -- the prestigious journals reviewed in this research -- were prone to error about one third of the time.

Why? Because scientists fudge data inadvertently, and sometimes purposely. And because the results of a study are closely related to who pays for the study. Scientists may release only the studies that provide results favorable to their interests, while a study with contrary results may be shelved.

Medical breakthroughs reported in the mainstream media may or may not be real breakthroughs. Keep a realistic attitude when you read medical news. It ain't necessarily so.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

National Institutes of Health -- ethics compromised

How many of those working in the NIH are really working for John Q. Public, and how many are secretly working for the drug industry? Too many, according to one internal survey. The ethical violations appear to be rampant.

Check out the details.