The Vitamin Kid

Avoiding bad medicine and finding non-toxic treatments that actually work

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Location: Ankeny, Iowa, United States

Thursday, February 23, 2006

New thoughts on cancer and AIDS

Dr Donald Miller, MD, introduces the controversial molecular biologist Peter Duesberg. Duesberg's research could revolutionize the understanding of AIDS and cancer.

Duesberg originally worked on the problem of oncoviruses -- viruses which are suspected causes of cancer. He became one of the world's authorities on retroviruses.

His expertise in retroviruses led him to examine the phenomenon of AIDS, which was is said to be caused by HIV, which is a retrovirus. Duesberg found that the evidence for this connection was circumstantial, and proposed his own explanation: AIDS is a result of a weakening of the immune system from a number of toxic and behavioral factors.

Duesberg's position on AIDS has earned him nothing but scorn in the media and most of the scientific establishment. If he is right, millions will likely die before vested interests will admit they were wrong.

His funding cut off, Duesberg moved back to the study of cancer, this time without a focus on viruses as the cause.

Duesberg noted the trait of cancer cells to have more chromosomes than normal. A human cell normally has 42 chromosomes, but cancer cells might have 60 or 70, or even as many as 90 chromosomes -- duplicates, extras, which as much as double the normal number of chromosomes. This phenomenon is known as aneuploidy.

The hunt is on to find the causes of aneuploidy, with hopes of finding better prevention and treatment methods. Peter Duesberg is blazing the trail in aneuploidy research. After many tens of billions of federal dollars spent on cancer research, with only incremental improvements in survival rates for most cancers, we need a new approach.

It is said that when one keeps trying the same thing in the face of repeated failure, that's called insanity. Yet, most cancer researchers continue to plow old ground. It is high time for something completely different.

Friday, February 17, 2006

NutraSweet + Food Coloring can poison nerve cells?

UK's The Guardian reported last December 21 that combining the artificial sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet®) with flavor-enhancer monosodium glutimate (MSG) and two food dyes produced toxic effects on nerve cells in the laboratory.

The levels used in the study were said to be comparable to those obtained by a child eating a snack and drink containing these chemicals.

Nerve cells ceased growing and the signaling factors cells use to communicate with each other were inhibited by small amounts of these food additives.

The study was published in the journal Toxicological Sciences, and the abstract can be read at this link.

The dose makes the poison -- but increasingly science is finding more examples of combinations of low-dose chemicals in our food and environment that are much more toxic than expected.

"MSG," according to the Guardian article, "is banned [in the EU] in foods for young children." MSG "is found in some pasta with sauce products, a large number of crisps, processed cheese, and prepared meals. Aspartame is found in diet drinks, some sweets, desserts and medicines."

Candies, processed peas, soft drinks, desserts, and pickles are some sources of the food dyes in the study.